Silent city.
I just came back from a short visit to my family in my home town, central Poland. Every time I go there, it feels stranger and stranger.
Ostrowiec is a small town, under 100 000 population, and it’s getting stagnat, as all the young people are leaving or left already for the big dynamic cities a couple hours away.
The silence is overwhelming. A stark contrast to my daily routing in London (obviously), I found it refeshing but also strangely difficult to deal with.
The feeling of space and scale is completely different than in London, even if tower blocks or houses look surprisingly similar.
A very surreal feeling, looking at places I remeber from my childhood, seeing them change so much. Getting older I guess.
The last image is a shot from the car window on my way out. I felt it’s bittersweet clash sums up the whole set rather nicely.