daily shooting – faces and lack of

. I feel I'm a very poor portrait photographer. I'm technically capable of lightning a corporate headshot, but I fail miserably at getting any kind of psychological depth out of my subjects. Most likely it comes from me not being able to fully connect with others - which is rather strange as both ...

daily shooting – south london, cherry blossoms and church touching

. . Camden isn't as inspiring as you would think - at least not for me. Don't really know why. I like this shot quite a lot. The logo made me hesitate for a moment there. But here it is. . . The remaining four shots are from South London - Anerley / Crystal Palace area. That part of the ...


. . I love shooting in the rain. Don't really know why. It is quite difficult to focus your attention in such conditions, and you have to be careful with your gear - I should probably be more careful with my camera then I am. . . On the other hand, nobody cares that you're there with ...

Just another 15 min, mum.

fdw  . Time is all we have, when you think about it. I don't have much of it, as I am sure many of you out there. I try to squeeze in as much of personal photography as I can into my day. walking the streets, I have to keep an eye on the watch, always, no matter what time of the day. I do ...