daily shooting – distance matters

. Today the selected images frame my day - the bus was shot in the very morning, the hand on my way home. very different feel to both, completely different light, subjects, but most importantly, distance. . . The bus just stopped, so I had about a minute to shoot - plenty of time to compose ...

daily shooting – all about the details

. I didn't plan it that way, but the best shot's I picked today are all details. . .  The mini injury on the man's bony hand, the massive heart shaped sandwich, the shoes and shadows surrounding the couple's feet. . .  No faces, and yet a strong presence in all the ...

daily shooting – nothing wrong with blur

. Went to a little town on business, two and a half hour from London on the train. Its was refreshing to change the surroundings. First shot - well before sunrise, train speeding through the countryside. Darkness, blur, those little lights, more blur, and even more blur to top that. ...

daily shooting – coming back to an older project

. It's raining, it's cold, it's dark as hell. Not the best photographic conditions? On the contrary, my dear Watson. That is, if you are after that particular situation - human breath visualised on windows. . . I'm all wet, my camera is wet (luckily 7D can take a fair deal of rain and still ...