Even more hands.
. Yes, more hands. I can't seem to resist. Hands attract me, and I can't help it. Maybe, on some level, I trust hands more then faces. . We are all trained to read emotions, intentions, hidden thoughts and all kinds of midway states by looking at each others faces. But hands, that's ...
Working through a block, sort of
. It's not always an easy ride, being creative and productive. Numbers don't really translate to quality, at least not in a straightforward way, motivation can drop, and then you start thinking. And of course, more thinking follows. . . I found that periods of increased stress block ...
My work at the Londonist
. http://londonist.com/2013/06/londonist-behind-the-lens-ziemowit-maj.php a short interview with me about my photography in the Londonist, with a selection of images from my latest, two part project: Side A and Side ...
Photographing food vs food photography
. Food is a very important aspect of every culture, I think you will agree this statement is rather obvious. It's tradition, it's lifestyle, it's the biggest industry of them all, it's everywhere. . . It is also politics, which isn't that obvious to everyone. I have a rather ...