. Hungry. Naive. Nervous. Alert. Compulsive. Greedy. Aroused. Excited. Present. Absent. Even more greedy. Jealous. Fast. Hyperactive. Attentive. Obsessive. Even more hungry. Annoyed. Disappointed. Expecting. Hopeful. Perverse. Horrified. Rude. Dismissive. Selective. Explosive. Detached. Angry. ...

Good light, bad photography.
. Light is all in photography, literally, it is what makes it physically possible and of course is the grammar of it's language. Learning how to see the light, how to spot the best way to use the existing light, what is it's inherent character and what subject will make most sense in that light, ...

Being ecstatic.
. Learning to draw is a long and painful process. The good thing is, it's quite easy to see the progress, maybe not to measure it, but to see things getting better and better. . . . You begin by drawing, excuse me, trying to draw visually simple things - usually the teacher in whatever ...

It looks staged, it looks real.
. One of my friends commented on the last shot - 'almost a Jeff Wall composition'. Composition, yes, I must agree. But not at all the same approach or meaning. It looks similar, yes (I didn't think about Wall until my friend pointed it out), but it speaks very differently. Wall is best ...