Taking a break.
From time to time, I need a break from the stream of daily images. Usually, it’s about a week I allow myself. More than that, I’m not sure would be beneficial, at least not at the stage I am at now.
Generally, I photograph every day. That is the aim at least, which I sometimes fail to achieve – you know, the usual – commercial work and other earthly matters sometimes simply eat all my time. There are weeks though in wich I get a pile of images every day – it’s kind of like constant swimming, they are just everywhere I look.
That is why sometimes I take a few days to look around and examine where I am and where to head next. I still believe photography (like most other arts I guess) is something you truly grasp while doing it – no amount of thinking about it will push you a step further without actually pressing the shutter.
Of course being constantly shutter happy will get you nowhere as well – I try my best to be my own toughest critic, and only ever show the tip of the iceberg, most images just die a silent death. This break was slightly different, as I have been putting the new site toghter and preparing the new project. I am back behind the lens though, and it feels good. Funny how quickly you forget how heavy the gear is.