Gestures and gazes.

The little greedy fat kid, you can just feel how eager he is to munch on those chips. His even fatter mother (or maybe not? who knows) relaxed, with a rollie in hand, graciously spreading the joy. Only one eye visible, the frame rather drastically cuts through the other. Energy bouncing around the frame get directed by her empty gaze outside, not really into the lens – which means not really onto the viewer. Can you hear it swooshing by you?
The gentleman tying his tie, out of focus. I love this one, with classy Argos front providing the background. It just feels like he is still half asleep, not fully there, the tie being the last stroke that will bring the man in sharp focus, get him ready to confront another day. He looks directly at us, not fully happy being photographed, but not bothered enough to react – just a frown. Empty sit and repeating circles in the frame just underline the aspect of time.


People coming out of a tunnel (some of you will recognise the Old Street tube station), at a mini crossroads. A woman stuffing her face with fast food with her eyes closed, a man nervously looking back, and two women in the center. The one in white, hands in pockets, not fully comprehending her next move yet, but it’s the other one that makes the shot for me. It’s her pointing straight at the lens, but looking away from it that makes it all come together. Me pointing the massive lens at here, she pointing at her image being captured – a mini mental loop in a split second. The out of focus hand somehow adds to the whole scene.

So today it’s all frozen action, gestures, gazes bouncing around inside and outside the frame, between the observer and the unaware cast. Basic photographic property of freezing time, still seems to work.

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