Three very different images, all from today, all connected by repetitions.
People safely hiding in darkness of a missing corner of a corporate building, grey and black everywhere, the only colour coming from a golden pattern of a coffee and fast food place window. Rhythm is the key word here – a man and a woman trapped in a repetition of darkness and light, big swatches and a smaller internal rhythm of the metal gate behind them. Very musical.
And lastly, a metal slender frame, a bit rusty, a bit scratched, supporting whatever is up there out of frame, simple and bold in it’s geometry, hold in place by very organic and messy shapes, bulging, sloping, breaking apart, an order held to the ground by disturbingly suggestive four object, dripping sand and leaking dirty water. What silent drama, oh my.
I love music as much as I love literature, and see no reason not to learn from it in my own art. I hope you get more from those images, as I believe they are more then a formal exercises. I wouldn’t show them otherwise. Please don’t expect me to try to decode them here though. Not going to happen.