Weapons of mass destruction.

It is rather amusing how you can push yourself – something you didn’t think possible before now becomes the norm, and life pushes you this extra step further, whether you like it or not. That is how I feel recently anyway. I think I mentioned it before, but the more busy I become, the easier it is to motivate myself to create more personal work.
This extreme time pressure translates into intensity bordering on desperation – no time to lose, got to get my act together right now, click click click… I believe this intensity of looking translates well into the work itself. Which is kind of strange – you are still you looking through a big black box and pressing a button, right? No brushstrokes here to let your emotions flow, but there you go.
Joel Meyerowitz in one of his interviews said something along the way of: ‘if you believe you can see 1/8000 of a second, you start looking for it, and eventually you will see it’. I think if you will look intensely enough, you will make an empty soft drink can into a weapon of mass destruction. I’m not there yet, I know. Right now, the can is only whispering. But hey – I’m looking.


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